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HomeEventsFVBSC cross country ski Herrick FP Fri 2/14

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FVBSC cross country ski Herrick FP Fri 2/14

About this event

Easy pace xc ski BYO equipment
Meet at Herrick Forest Preserve 11:30 am, ski about an hour?
Use north (main) entrance off Hwy 56 0.2 mikes east of Herrick . Take left branch on FP road to boathouse pkg lot.
Start by Trail sign near heated restroom bldg
Expect fair conditions, snow has been packed,
may have tracks broken in by previous skiers
for more info, trail maps, see
This is a "trial run"/first time out for the season. We can stay on lake loop if it is too windy
Call Jeanne Bereza to let me know you are coming cell 312-320-1499
or before 10:30 am can email

Date and Time

Friday, February 14, 2025, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Jerry Shields


Cross-country ski

Registration Info

Registration is not Required