Register for the ride on the Joliet Bicycle Club Website or in person on the day of the event.
Joliet Bicycle Club July 4th Ride Registration
Those who want to ride with an other FVBSC members register via the Fox Valley Bicycle & Ski Club website. A group will be riding out at 8:00 A.M.
July 4th Ride
Ride Details
Date: Tuesday, July 4th, 2023 (Rain or Shine, no alternates)
Open to individuals 18 and over, children must be accompanied by adults.
Start Location: Plainfield South High School
7800 West Caton Farm Rd.,
Plainfield, IL.
Pre-register until June 30 for only $25. (There are no refunds.)
Use the form at the bottom of this page to pre-register.
Register on July 4th for $30.
Check in and day of registration starts at 6:30 AM and closes at 10:30 AM.
Ride Times
6:30 AM Ride Start.
3:00 PM Ride End - Off the road.
Rest stop in Plattville closes at 2 PM.
Choose from 30, 50, or 80 mile routes.
The route takes riders over low volume, marked routes from Plainfield H. S. to the rest-stop in Plattville, Church and Chicago Roads (all riders), with optional routes back to the Plattville rest-stop, and a final return route to Plainfield High School. We anticipate 700 to 800 riders.
All riders are provided with maps, cue sheets and emergency contact numbers.
SAG support will be provided for breakdowns and emergencies.
Rest-Stops: Riders are provided with water, refreshments, snacks. Portable toilets are available.
After Ride
Free ice cream sandwiches at the end of the ride
GPX File Downloads
30 Mile Ride
50 Mile Ride
80 Mile Ride